Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Rolleiflex slow exposure Photography


Laney and I went out shooting, while I was about 9 months pregnant, and the snow was pretty heavy across the ground, and shot a few images with our Medium format cameras.  Laney has a Yashica D, and she said her images came out blurry, which can happen if you move the camera in the slightest.  I do believe we accidentally bumped the tripod a few times. lol  We were FREEZING, and I believe laney wasnt wearing the right kind of shoes for treading in snow, sooo her feet her wet.  I believe our efforts were worth it with this shot.  I know, I know, its September, almost October, and I am just getting around to developing the film, but I think this shot was well worth the wait.   This is 2nd street, in Seymour Indiana.  My home town.  2nd street is the oldest street in Seymour, where all the old businesses used to be, and the railroad is right next to them.  This street is the home of our annual Oktoberfest, and we informally call it Downtown.  I shot this image late at night, while my husband was busy watching a movie with Laney's Husband.  About a twenty minute outing with Laney, but we had fun!! 

Rollei Woman - Ashtin

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Trash the Dress with Paint Picture Preview

We took some GREAT shots from our Paint the Dress shoot, here are just a couple of them!  More to come!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Xander and Connor, my little men

Introducing Xander (nearly 4) and Connor (7 months)!!  Don't let your eyes deceive you, they may be cute, but they are a handful to raise!  Xander is a pretty good big brother, and Connor thinks the world of his big brother, but they are DOUBLE TROUBLE!  Connor is now army crawling EVERYWHERE!  Xander hands him toys and items he shouldnt be playing with, and they both have lots of fun doing it!
          It was really hard getting these photos, but I am pretty happy with them; there are quite a few poses I wanted to do, BUT Xander wanted to go play, so we just took these few.  Connor got to have fun putting leaves in his mouth after this while Xander played on the playground.  Connor looks just like me, which is surprising since his brother Xander is his fathers clone!  We were expecting another Xander, but were pleasantly surprised.  They are total opposites, with new experiences, faces, sounds, and we love it!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Free Rolleiflex sessions!!! (only pay for cost of film and processing)

HAVING A SMALL WEDDING??  I would like to do a ROLLEIFLEX Bridal session!!  All black and white, with 120mm film with my Vintage Rolleiflex.  Rolleiflex is the the Rolls Royce of Cameras and of its time, and if you are having a small get together wedding or getting married by the Justice of the Peace, and you love classic black and white images, why not book a Rolleiflex bridal session?!  A bridal session is - family shots, and couple shots taken after the wedding.  I am offering my first Rolleiflex bridal session at COST of film and processing!  Same Photographer, same creativity, but classic film shots, done with a superb vintage camera!  Contact me for details, and I can get you a price quite depending on size of wedding/amount of film/shots taken.  A more hands-on approach to wedding photography, you could choose the images edited, and have them turned into digital copies so you can even order prints, and have them on a disc for later ordering. AND you own the film strips!
Also willing to do an engagement session AT COST, so if you are a newly engaged couple and you want some very creative, and classic film shots taken just message me! 
Also willing to do a Family session AT COST.
There are just some things Digital cant do, and the look of film images is absolutely stunning!   Big City Photographers use Rolleiflex's and charge up to 17,000 per wedding!

All images are black and white because I use black and white film that I PROCESS MYSELF IN MY DARKROOM! There will be NO color images.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

New TEAM Photo!!

Check out our new team picture!  We thought long and hard about what we wanted as our new team shot; we didn't want the boring MR. CLEAN  arms crossed back to back shot.  We feel we are never lacking in creativity, so we couldn't be lazy when it came to our team shot!  Like the camera in the photo?!  Thats my (Ashtin) Rolleiflex, made in 1955, and still is in mint condition and takes amazing photos!  A Cadillac of its kind!

Avon Gardens Wedding - Kristene and Josh Preview

Kristene and Josh chose to get married at the lovely Avon Gardens in Avon Indiana!  The place was packed with amazing flowers, ponds, arches, and great places to photograph.  It was a perfect place for a wedding, and the perfect time to take some shots I have wanted to take for a while but the situations haven't been there. 
       As soon as I saw Kristene I was blown away!!!  Talk about gasping beautiful! I photographed her and her bridesmaids, while Laney photographed the boys...which by the way she got some shots of them in a tree!  Ya I know, how excited are you to see those?  Should be interesting!  When we started photographing  the Bride by herself that is when our creative juices started flowing!  Its sooo great working with Laney, a fresh eye never hurts, and she always has creative poses to through out there!  Most of the winning shots from the wedding were thought of by her, and I am now wondering why I ever do a wedding alone! 
   The wedding was spectacular, with rose petals, white chairs, a beautiful arch, and roses roses roses!  I captured the glimmer (and possibly a tear of happiness) in the grooms eye as she walked down the aisle, and who could blame him, she was stunning!  I got lucky when the first kiss came around because the pastor was behind them, and it looked like they were the only ones in front of the arch. 

 They really seemed to have fun with the wedding party shots! We even got a shot of the bride hitch hiking with the best man, and the groom hitch hiking with the maid of honor!  They all had sunglasses too, so we shot a few of those, as well as a shot of them all jumping in the air.  The reception area was great!  White tents, and twinkle lights, and one awesome cake!!  I got so into this wedding that I didnt even notice, until it was too late that my whole front was soaked.  For those of you that dont know I have a 3.5 year old son, and a 6 month old son, and he is breastfed!!  Yes it is very hard for a working mom to breast feed but I was determined to do so with him, and it has paid off substantially.  Anyways, I was soooo into this wedding that I didnt even notice that my chest felt like it was going to explode (which is the usually feeling when I'm paying attention) and decided to leak all over me.  Good thing I was wearing a black shirt, no one seemed to notice, and I didnt even notice until my arm brushed up against it.
     It will be a few weeks until I am done editing this wedding, but I hope everyone has enjoyed the preview!  I couldn't wait to edit a few so I stayed up until 1am the night of the wedding editing a few shots that I couldn't get out of my head.  Its weddings like these that remind me why I am a wedding photographer, and puts excitement back into it! 

Friday, September 2, 2011

At a wedding right now!!

Check out the beautiful bride!!  At the Avon Gardens in Avon Indiana, Beautiful wedding, having sooo much fun taking photos I havent been able to to take at other venues!