Monday, February 15, 2010

Rolleiflex MX-EVS Type 2

This weekend I purchases my first ever Rollei. I have wanted one since I was a little girl, when the movie "Where the Heart is" came out. The beauty of her yard sale find intrigued me. I have no experience in Medium Format; most of my life I have been digital. My first camera was an old Petri 35mm, which I absolutely loved, if i could have slept next to it, I would have.
Sadly, on a sailing trip my Petri was thrown around inside the deck, and busted it up. From then on my cameras were digital, until 2006 I was given an old Nikon slr by my Grandmother. She found it in her closet. During that year I had my own dark room, and preffered black and white. I have always preffered black and white! Ansel Adams has been my hero since i was young. I have a hard time when I am editing to leave the photographs color. Anyways, I found a craigslist treasure last saturday. Rolleiflex's go anywhere from $500-$3000 on Ebay. I found mine for $100! The shutter sticks, so as soon as I bought it I took it to a Camera repair shop. I barely got to hold it before I handed it off to the repair guy. I can't wait to get it back, he said around 7-10 days. I am so happy because one of my child hood dreams have come true, and I will write a post on here when I go up to get it. Look forward to my first shots from this amazing camera!

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