Saturday, June 5, 2010

Moss/Caldwell engagement shots!

I wanted to post a little about the engagement shots I took two weeks ago and add a few for anyone reading! Liz and Jordan are an amazing couple! I can confidently say they were meant to be togethor! I was just at their wedding yesterday, and it was AMAZING, but more on that later. At their engagement session we went to a place they suggested, in Indianapolis. Unsure of the name of the place; there was shops, several fountains, and a neat creak that ran right through all of it as if you was in Italy! It had to of been the hottest day we have had this year because within 5 minutes all of us were submitting to the sun....I just wanted to dive into the creek! We took some great shots; really hard not to take a good shot of these to because of their chemistry! I love this couple, they have been the greatest! Too bad they are moving to Kokomo...I would have loved to have stayed in touch!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Rollei contintued

So...I called the repair man, he said I can come get my camera on Thursday, weather permitting. I can't wait! He said that the Shutter was definately stuck, and that he fixed it. He is going to spend tomorrow looking over it's other parts, to see if anything else needs fixing. My husband is getting a white german shepherd puppy in a few more weeks; on the 28th we get to see them, and possibly pick which one we want, and around the 15th we will get to take him home. Welp, I will update you on thursday...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Rolleiflex MX-EVS Type 2

This weekend I purchases my first ever Rollei. I have wanted one since I was a little girl, when the movie "Where the Heart is" came out. The beauty of her yard sale find intrigued me. I have no experience in Medium Format; most of my life I have been digital. My first camera was an old Petri 35mm, which I absolutely loved, if i could have slept next to it, I would have.
Sadly, on a sailing trip my Petri was thrown around inside the deck, and busted it up. From then on my cameras were digital, until 2006 I was given an old Nikon slr by my Grandmother. She found it in her closet. During that year I had my own dark room, and preffered black and white. I have always preffered black and white! Ansel Adams has been my hero since i was young. I have a hard time when I am editing to leave the photographs color. Anyways, I found a craigslist treasure last saturday. Rolleiflex's go anywhere from $500-$3000 on Ebay. I found mine for $100! The shutter sticks, so as soon as I bought it I took it to a Camera repair shop. I barely got to hold it before I handed it off to the repair guy. I can't wait to get it back, he said around 7-10 days. I am so happy because one of my child hood dreams have come true, and I will write a post on here when I go up to get it. Look forward to my first shots from this amazing camera!